
Check out the results for a few businesses outsourced to me through marketing agencies.

NYC Dermatologist

Cosmetic Procedure Leads Increase

paid search performance image

Channels: Google Ads Search, Facebook Ads

Financial Products Platform

Increased High Earner Client Conversions

finance ads performance image

Channels: Google Ads Search, Microsoft Ads (Bing), programmatic display, native

Online Medical Certification Provider

Increased ROAS, Lower Cost Per Course

microsoft bing ads result img

Channels: Google Ads Search, Microsoft Ads (Bing), programmatic display

Primary Care Clinic

Ads Performance Improvements

primary care google ads case study

Channels: Google Ads Search, Facebook Ads

Regional Orthopedic Group

More New Patient Bookings, Lower Cost

healthcare google ads image

Channels: Google Ads Search, Microsoft Ads (Bing), programmatic display

Commercial Insurance Carrier

Increased Agent Applications & Insured Leads

insurance paid search advertising

Channels: Google Ads Search, Google display, programmatic display and native

Work Site Equipment Rental Service

Increased Rental Conversions

paid search case study

Channels: Google Ads Search

Global Hotel Chain

Increased hotel and event space bookings

hotel campaign performance img

Channels: Google Ads Search, Google Ads display, Facebook Ads, programmatic native and display

Virginia Physicians Practice

CPA Reduction and Practice Growth

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Channels: Google Ads Search


Patient Acquisition & Retention Conversions

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Channels: Google Ads Search, Facebook Ads

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